The MidLife ReThink

An online programme of three 90-minute weekly workshops to rethink life and work from the middle over 3 Mondays, starting on November 13th , through to November 20th and December 3rd 2023.

The MidLife Rethink is a 3-part online programme for those (at any age) ready to plan and pace themselves for (much) longer lives and careers. It’s designed to see you through the fog of transition and move you to clarity in designing your next phase.

“Ready or not, each phase of life demands that we grow and change,” says Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. “Don’t just do something, sit there! A bit of pausing and reflecting goes a long way in becoming a skilled transitionist, ready to redraw (or just update) the arc of our lives and work.”

Careers are moving from sprints to marathons. Most of us aren’t training for the long haul. We’ve got our heads down trying to manage the moment. Major crises (or simply new chapters) invite a rethink. Here’s the time and the toolbox to navigate your next transition in 3 transformative online sessions.

“These workshops give you lots of energy and inspiration to re-invest, with purpose, in the future.”

The MidLife ReThink – Overview

Session 1 November 13thHarvest the Past. Where I’ve been: A review of life to date, where you’ve come from, what you’ve experienced, and what you’ve learnt. The patterns you know, and those you don’t.

Session 2 November 20th: Assess the Present. Where I’m standing: Where am I in the arc of life? With who am I travelling? What roles/ relationships/ beliefs do I want to keep, and what might I let go of?

Session 3 December 4th: Map the Future. What the world needs and who I want to become: The dream, the role models and the support systems. The choices I need to make today to move towards the future I want. The programme of three consecutive 90-minute weekly workshops with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox costs just £299. The first workshop kicks off Monday, November 13th, 2023. Any questions? Please reach out to

The programme of three consecutive 90-minute weekly workshops with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox costs just £299. The first workshop kicks off Monday, 13th November, 2023. Any questions? Please reach out to

Author, coach, and CEO of 20-first, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox has worked with individuals and businesses around the world to design balanced lives and businesses. The author of multiple books, including Late Love: Mating in Maturity and Why Women Mean Business, she is a 3 x TEDx speaker and a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and FORBES. She lives in London and just finished a year as a Fellow at Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative.

To Register and book your place, follow the link below.

The MidLife ReThink Tickets, Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite

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