
Are you looking to make a life or career change and not sure where to start? Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is here to help you see through the fog
20 free places available for Brave starts Programme - sign up to register your interest. Offer closes on Friday 2nd June 
Over 45 and looking for work? Find out more about Brave Starts free workshop to get you started.
Find out more about Careershifters workshops and courses
Are you looking to make a life or career change and not sure where to start? Avivah Wittenberg-Cox is here to help you see through the fog
20 free places available for Brave starts Programme - sign up to register your interest. Offer closes on Friday 2nd June 
Over 45 and looking for work? Find out more about Brave Starts free workshop to get you started.
Find out more about Careershifters workshops and courses